Friday, December 11, 2009

A Quick Breather Back in Cali

After an extremely long day of travel involving three taxis, a late bus, an airplane that was right on time and which I barely caught, and the compact car (miraculously packed with seven people and our luggage) of a nice Colombian I met in the ridiculously long line for migration and customs at one in the morning, I made it back to Cali. I left Julie´s house in Trujillo at 8:30 in the morning...and arrived back at my place at Cali at 2:30 the next morning. Phew! I´m feeling exhausted again just reading about it.

Ecuador post-Quito was wonderful and spending a week in Trujillo with Julie and Gabriela was positively delightful. I will give you all the details when time permits, but that may be a while as I am headed back to the States for a whirlwind two week tour involving twelve states and loads of friends and family beginning this Sunday, then heading back to Cali to catch the end of the feria and then jetting off to Bogota for a bit more case I feel as if I haven´t gotten enough. The updates will come eventually. This I do promise. Hope everyone is getting into the holiday spirit! I'm fairly positive that as soon as my body feels temperatures below freezing...I'll be whistling Christmas tunes and craving a gingerbread latté just like the rest of you.

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